Hey all, so I know it looks like this website is dead. Trust me, it's not. We've just been super busy.
First off, guess I should mention we have a Discord now. Another thing I was resistive to adding, but if we're actually gonna have a community (are forums a dead format? =( ) then might as well have a place we can gather. Keep in mind that I'm just figuring out how all this Discord stuff works, so there isn't much to see yet.
Secondly, our faithful chatbot TeddyRoosebot has finally received a much needed overhaul and is now running on a brand new framework with a robust API, all designed by Yours Truly. What does this all mean? It means that very soon, you'll be able to build your own bot for your Twitch channel (and easily add features via a plugin system) using the same technology. And you can customize it however you wish. Check out https://teddybot.app for more info. Please be aware though that Teddy is undergoing rigorous testing at the moment, so there will not be anything publicly available for a while.
Think that covers all the new developments (though do watch the YouTube channel for some upcoming stuff), so until next time, you stay classy, Internet!
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