Guess I should dust this off...
Posted by The Sagan on 3/7/2017 at 6:03:11 AM PST
So I got all totally excited about getting our website up and running...and then totally forgot to start posting regular news.
Then again I don't know how many people are reading this so maybe I shouldn't sweat it too much right now.
Anyway, I've been working on a lot of behind the scenes things, so nothings changed much up front. Just wanted to post a quick news update and say we're still planning on using this. I know The Tesla was interested in using this news feed as a bit of a blog, so I'll probably get him set up for that soon.
The more important thing I wanted to cover is since things have stabilized post-holiday season, I'm actually able to roll out some regular content for YouTube right now. So if you're not subscribed to our YouTube channel, please do!
Our new regular schedule is:
- Tuesday: Main Content This could be anything from one of our regular features (This Movies Gonna Suck..., Scientists Play..., etc.) or something random like this masterpiece.
- Wednesdays: The Darwin's Natural Selections - The Darwin plays through a game in his own solo series and provides his unique brand of commentary
- Thursdays: Rocksmithâ„¢ Thursdays - Follow along with The Sagan as he takes his lovely Christmas present and learns how to play it, RockBand style.
I for one am excited about our new regular schedule. My one worry is: Are we pushing out too much content too soon. i.e. Are they coming out too soon for you to catch each video. I've been considering perhaps a Mon, Wed, Fri schedule instead. Leave us a comment and let us know what you'd prefer.
Ok, that just about covers things. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go figure out why The Tesla can't stream right now. -_-
Stay classy, Internet.
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